Updates and More Gordon Worship
In the meantime, a few tips:
This season of Hell's Kitchen is by far not the best (thus far I am rooting for no one to win, but have SEVERAL people I would prefer to lose).
The version of Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares on the BBC is better than Kitchen Nightmares on Fox in my opinion.
It appears that Totino's frozen pizza's can no longer kill you (unless you eat 12 of them in one day).
I tried to make tilapia and noodles the other day and you can't pan fry fish without some kind of non-stick agent (butter, spray...etc.)
You're better off buying the store brand of frozen chicken breasts than you are buying the Tyson kind.
That's it for now...happy eating...and happy viewing of other people eating,
lympo-who-a-what-ah? *smile* Here's to feeling mo' betta'!!
~ Me.
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